Efficient Medan to Surabaya Shipping Solutions

Expedition Medan Surabaya – Surabaya City is known as the city of heroes. because its history is so great the sacrifice of Surabaya youth fighters or called Arek-arek Suraboyo. This city is also the capital of East Java Province as well as including the Metropolitan city and the second largest city in Indonesia after the city of Jakarta. Likewise, because of the size of the city in the city of Surabaya there are many Medan Expedition services to Surabaya.

Mitra Logistics often receives orders for the delivery of goods from Medan to Surabaya, such as the delivery of moving goods on a small scale, regular delivery of goods or delivery of goods for company purposes in terms of distribution or return of goods. In this case Mitra Logistics has the convenience to access the delivery of goods that you will send. You can simply #stayathome and use advanced technology to search for us on the internet, you can contact our customer service from the home page of our website.

Expedition Services Medan Surabaya

Mitra Logistics offers various types of services that really spoil customers not only that, logistics partners are also experienced in the field of expedition services. The following services are offered by Logistics Partners:

  • expedition services car shipping services moving services heavy equipment shipping services warehouse rental services

Cheap Medan Surabaya Expedition Rates For those of you who want to know information about Medan Surabaya Expedition Service rates and other regional areas or want a negotiated rate, you can contact MITRA LOGISTICS marketing who are responsive and friendly, here are the rates we offer:

0811-6558-050 a/n Fitria

Medan Surabaya Goods Delivery Range

Mitralogistics can reach goods shipments from Medan to cities in East Java, the areas that Mitralogistics can reach include Surabaya, Bangkalan, Banyuwangi, Blitar, Bojonegoro, Bondowoso, Gresik, Jember, Jombang, Kediri, Lamongan, Lumajang, Madiun, Magetan, Malang, Mojokerto, Nganjuk, Pacitan, Pemekasan, Pasuruan, Ponorogo, Probolinggo, Sampang, Sidoarjo, Situbondo, Sumenep, Trenggalek, Tuban, Tulungagung, Batu and other cities.

Terms of Using Expedition Services from Logistics Partners

It is a question that often arises when you want to send goods. It depends on what kind of goods you will send. If the item is small but heavy, then it is calculated per kilogram. And it is a general rule of cargo providers that large but light items will be counted by volume. Then how to calculate the volume? For each shipping system both land, sea and air have different formulas. So below we provide a complete formula for calculating the volume of goods, please read it so that you also know how much your goods weigh in volume? Via Land = (p x l x t)/4000 Via Sea = (p x l x t)/4000 Via Air = (p x l x t)/6000


Hal-hal Yang Harus Diperhatikan Dalam Menggunakan Ekspedisi Mitra Logistics

  • Documents Fill in the completeness of shipping documents or commonly referred to as RESI, AWB or STT. Each customer must tell us the destination address of the item and the data we receive must be valid.
  • Lead Time Delivery lead time is usually seen based on the destination of each city. For example, if the destination is in Surabaya, it is different from Gresik, Jember or other areas even though they are still in the same province. We strive to speed up the delivery of your goods.
  • Checking the contents in the package Often encountered by many shipping cases that are often heard at this time, the customer claims that the package contains FLOWERS but after checking it turns out that the contents are dangerous / prohibited items. In this case the Logistics Partner will conduct a Form Check list of the contents of the goods so that no errors occur that have been experienced by other logistics services.
  • Insurance For every shipment of goods that are easily broken, damaged and risky we advise customers to always take the option of goods in insurance. To avoid things that are not wanted. As for what is covered by insurance for shipping is: -If there is damage both heavy and light -Lost / drowned -Burned, etc. After following the shipping standards / shipping conditions, Mitra Logistics will provide the following services:
  • Door To Door Service Where Pick-up Service is one of our Main Services (Free Pick-up) goods / packages and he delivered to the destination address with the estimated time that has been given.
  • Loading and unloading services Unloading Services is one of the additional facilities that provide loading and unloading services from / to the fleet. From this loading and unloading service, the risk of damage to goods can be reduced because it is handled by professional officers.
  • Packing Services Packing services are additional and complementary services for the perfection of sending your package to make it safer, faster and safer. Where packing services are handled by a professional logistics partner team.  

Contact Us For Medan To Surabaya Expedition


From all the explanation above, we can see how important expedition services are for the community. Because in this day and age everyone already uses freight forwarding services. This is the only article this time if there is anything you want to ask, you can contact our customer service at the number 081262104995 or visit our website atwww.mitralogistics.co.id.

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