Expedition Surabaya Kupang

Expedition Surabaya Kupang


Expedition surabaya Kupang  – the city of Surabaya and the city of Kupang are separated by the Wetar Strait and several surrounding islands, the two cities have a time difference of 1 hour.

the city of Surabaya is the capital of the province of East Java and the city of Kupang is the capital of the province of East Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia, because both are provincial capitals, these two cities often deliver goods.

Delivery of goods to Surabaya Kupang consists of various types of goods according to the needs of the community and the needs of the industry, therefore many people are looking for goods delivery services from Surabaya Kupang.

There are many Surabaya Kupang freight forwarding services that offer cheap rates. But what’s all that for if the Surabaya expedition to Kupang turns out to be fake and doesn’t guarantee safety.

So if you don’t choose the wrong shipping service, you will lose, your goods can be lost and it will be difficult to hold them accountable. Therefore choose the Surabaya expedition to Kupang which can be trusted and guaranteed to be safe.

1. Causes of goods loss at Surabaya-Kupang expedition office:

  • The expeditionary party recorded or pasted the receipt incorrectly


  • The cause of lost items could be the result of negligence or negligence on the part of the expedition itself, these errors can be caused by incorrectly recording shipping information or incorrectly attaching receipts.Mitralogistics has a professional team that tries its best not to make mistakes in recording or pasting receipts because we have trained our team first.

    The expedition office caught fire


Fire is one of the disasters that cannot be avoided, which makes many items unable to be saved and these items are burned, which causes items to be lost. If there is a fire in the office or in the expedition warehouse, the goods we send are often lost.

Therefore, we need a freight forwarder that can provide insurance assistance when the goods are damaged or lost due to fire, Mitralogistics is the right choice.

because we are the cheapest Surabaya Kupang expedition service specialists who work with well-known insurance. So if there is a fire that makes your goods lost you can claim insurance.

  • There was a theft at the expedition’s office or Warehouse

As a result of easy access to the Surabaya Kupang expedition office or Warehouse, the goods sent may be lost, these items may be stolen by the team from the expedition service itself.

Who wouldn’t be annoyed if your stuff was stolen? In addition to losing goods, you also experience loss of time and financial loss.

For that, look for a Surabaya Kupang expedition service that really maintains the expedition office well, Mitralogistics is the best choice because we have CCTV in every room and we provide entry access restrictions.

so we don’t let other people into our office. We do this to minimize the theft of goods or packages at the office.

  • The expedition office does not have a permit


Don’t be fooled by cheap rates, try to check whether the expeditionary service has official permission or not. Don’t let the expedition service that you ordered do not have existing permits. The expedition service office might be closed by the police, choose an expedition service that has official permission.

Mitralogistics is the right choice for you because the expedition service office is officially established under the name PT NAIRA MITRALOGISTICS INDONESIA and we are already connected to the Indonesian Cargo Entrepreneurs Association (IPCN) so that our safety does not need to be doubted.

  • unsafe items


Have you ever lost your goods at the Surabaya Kupang freight forwarding service, and it often happens many times to make you upset, this is not a matter of financial loss but our time is wasted.

Especially if the goods sent are actually raw materials from production, as a result we need a long time to make these goods.

Moreover, the cause of the goods being lost was due to the negligence of the expedition team, which did not have a security team or professional goods guards.

Mitralogistics has a secure office because every night our office is guarded by our professional team and we have high-resolution CCTV so we can minimize theft of goods.

  • The expedition office went bankrupt


Poor financial management can bankrupt shipping services and if we as buyers go bankrupt, it will definitely be difficult for us to know where our goods are located, or whether our goods will still be sent or the forwarder will run away without responsibility.

That’s why you don’t just choose a shipping service that provides too cheap rates, if you find a shipping service that provides prices below the market you have to be vigilant.

because usually expedition services that offer cheap fees usually don’t have clear insurance and sometimes don’t use insurance for shipping.

Even though you as a buyer sometimes send goods that are easily damaged and broken, if there is damage or loss of goods you will find it difficult to complain because the Surabaya Kupang expedition office has turned out to be bankrupt.

Therefore, be careful when choosing a Surabaya delivery service to Kupang. One of the Surabaya Kupang shipping services that is in good condition financially is MitraLogistics.

because at this time we have sufficient capital and have professional management we ensure that there will be no bankruptcy in the mitralogic expedition.

And we guarantee insurance for your goods because we have worked with a trusted insurance service, so don’t hesitate to send your goods to Mitralogistics because we guarantee that our goods will arrive at their destination safely.

2.Cheap Expedition Services from Surabaya to Kupang


When you are running a business, you will definitely need delivery of goods from your city to the destination city or vice versa. Of course you can’t do it directly. Because it can disturb your time. You need the cheapest Surabaya Kupang expedition services from our Partner Logistics company to assist you in making the delivery as good and as professional as possible.

As a provider of freight forwarding services, Mitra Logistics offers a fast lead time or estimated time and is currently spreading lots of promos in Mitralogistics articles. You will not be disappointed because we are the right choice for you who want your goods to arrive quickly.

It doesn’t matter the location between the Surabaya area and Kupang which is very far. We are still ready to deliver your goods very quickly and in a timely manner.

Also Read : Ekspedisi Surabaya Murah Seluruh Indonesia

3.Services Provided by Logistics Partners

In this day and age, people are looking for shipping goods, that’s why we, Mitra Logistics, offer Surabaya Kupang expedition services with cheap shipping costs with various types of services. Here are the services we offer to you:

  • Freight forwarding services in Surabaya, Kupang
  • Surabaya car delivery service to Kupang
  • Expedition services for heavy equipment delivery in Surabaya, Kupang
  • Surabaya Kupang motorbike delivery service
  • House moving services in Surabaya, Kupang
  • Surabaya Kupang Apartment moving services
  • Kost moving services – Kostan Surabaya kupang
  • Surabaya Kupang Warehouse moving service
  • Surabaya Kupang Office relocation services
  • Warehouse rental services in Surabaya, Kupang

4.Cargo Surabaya kupang

Cargo services are one of the services that are often used for shipping goods from Surabaya to Kupang because the advantage of cargo services is that they can load a lot of goods and can carry large volumes of heavy equipment.

If you want to send goods using cargo, you have to choose wisely by choosing the Surabaya cargo service to Kupang. Choose the Surabaya Kupang cargo delivery service, which has cheap rates with promos so you can make multiple profits, Mitralogistics is the right choice for you because we often share promo rates in articles that are often fought over by many people.

So please grab our rate promo before our promo stock runs out, because our promo is limited. Oh yes, if you want to get even more discounts, you can send your items over 500 kilograms directly because the more items you send, the more discounts you get.

5. Cheap Surabaya Kupang Expedition Services


Many people complain that the Surabaya Kupang postage provided by the expedition service is very expensive, that could happen because the shipping process is the fastest way and uses a highly recommended fleet, so it adjusts to the price.

But, don’t worry because we Logistics Partners have low cost shipping offers that are very suitable for your pocket. Even though the rates are cheap, the performance is still professional and the delivery is also fast and safe.

So, it is suitable for all walks of life. For more information, you can contact our customer service or click the button below.

6. Questions that are often asked for shipping goods from the Surabaya expedition to Kupang

  1. what is the name of the Surabaya Kupang expedition that has a promo?Mitralogistics is a Surabaya Kupang expedition service that often distributes cheap promo packages in articles which of course we always update on the Mitralogistics website, just by showing screenshots of promo rates you will get promo rates without having to be tired of bidding again.
  1. why can mitralogistics help with your delivery compared to other expedition services?We offer cheap freight forwarding services from Surabaya to Kupang. We realize that there are many people out there who need freight forwarding services, be it on a large or small scale. Therefore, we feel that Logisics Partners can really help you in carrying out all delivery of goods and so on.
  1. what is the name of the shipping service that can receive cargo goods from Surabaya to Kupang?Mitralogistics is an expedition service that can deliver cargo from Surabaya to Kupang without the hassle. Thus the contents of the Surabaya expedition service article to Kupang MitraLogistics.If you are interested in asking about promos and rates, you can directly contact our customer service contact.

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